Saint Ana Lake
The catchment area of Lake Szent Anna is small, it has no connection with the local hydrographic network, it is mainly fed by precipitation. It has no direct drainage, the water only seeps into the ground and emerges later in the form of springs on the outside of the volcano. The amount of precipitation at the lake is 600-700 mm/year, the water running off the slopes is 1000-1500 mm, and the water evaporation is around 500 mm. According to them, the water level should increase by 0.5 millimeters per year, but it decreases due to underground drainage. In 1867, the greatest depth was 12 m, in 1907 it was 8.5 m, and now it is 7 m. This process is caused by the filling of the bed and the spread of vegetation. In a few decades, it is expected to meet the fate of the former Lake Mohos, leaving nothing but a bog in its place.
Huszár Szilamér, Romania, Sfantu Gheorghe